Congratulations on joining The Shape it Up Workout Series: Designed by Real Women, for Real Women
I know You’ve got what it takes to complete this 8 week workout program again and again (You have access to these workouts forever so you can do them over and over)!
You already possess all of the skills you need to create successful, amazing results with the body you have today, and I know that you’ll feel inspired to succeed as you exercise with strong women that really represent you.
This workout program resonates with your very real goals and objectives when it comes to your workout:
Your workout should be something you know you can do! You know which exercise to do! It should be something that creates energy, motivation, it’s realistic, attainable, and something you can fit into your busy day.
Your workout takes into consideration your back pain, your arthritis, your shoulder pain and create proper and realistic modifications suitable for your body type.
Most of all, it represents you. Your REAL life, your REAL wins and represents your REAL body of all shapes, stages and sizes.
Throughout your fitness journey I want you to know that I’m here for you every step of the way! I am also a HUGE hand holder. I don’t want even one moment where you feel like you’re alone on this journey or feel that there’s an exercise you have to give up because there’s no modification for you.
I’m here to provide that very important boost of motivation and accountability that can help you stay on track and if there’s ever a moment you feel unsure you can reach out and talk with me on the Private Shape it Up Community Facebook page anytime.
You are a valuable representation of the Shape it Up Real Women community and every question you have has the potential to shape someone else’s journey in a positive way. So I strongly encourage you to post all questions directly to the community page as well as connect and support fellow Shape it Up Real Women.
I cant wait to hear about each and every winning moment that you go through and how you begin to feel so much more energized and healthy along your way. Don’t forget to post your wins and questions to the private facebook group so you can inspire us all in our own special journey. Yaaay!!
Now head on over to the “How to” section to learn how the program works.
Yours in health