BEGINNING May 3rd, 5pm EST/2pm PST
The ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer’ Series:
Can’t make the live training time? When you have your guidebook you’ll also receive a recap and the video of the week so you won’t miss a thing: Sign up here:
In just 4 weeks you’ll feel firmer and stronger plus you’ll take away the valuable knowledge of how to exercise safely and remain injury free for life.
In order to follow an exercise plan, you have to know the plan is doable and without the risk of injury.
You want to feel confident you’re exercising correctly and will experience those amazing results a proper fitness program offers you.
You also need to be able to maintain it, so your fitness program has to be both quick and easy to fit into your lifestyle.
After all, fitness is an add-on that allows you to enjoy your life. If it starts taking over your life it would defeat the purpose – right?
The ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer Series:
This FREE workshop is best suited for you if:
- You want to begin a fitness program but feel concerned you may not be doing the exercises correctly and may injure yourself.
- You want to begin a fitness program after a long hiatus but you don’t know where to start
- You’d like support and feedback from a fitness professional that you can trust
- You may need modifications for arthritis or pain (not required)
- You’re 50 years of age and older and you want to exercise to feel firmer, stronger and live your best quality of life.
This plan may not be for you if:
- You have a major medical condition and the doctor has not cleared you for exercise.
- You’re looking for a standard fitness class with dance moves or choreography
- You’re already comfortable with a full range of exercise moves and you’re more interested in a full exercise program
How it works:
This workshop is called the ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer’ series for one fabulous reason: you’ll learn how to use external cues from your environment (such as items around your house and your own body cues) as feedback so you feel confident you’re keeping proper form.
In other words, the items around your house become your own personal trainer… but without the crazy expenses that most personal trainers ask for.
The ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer’ moments double as your workout so you tone up, feel stronger and begin to increase muscle to rev up your metabolism. So you may even lose a few pounds too!
Each week you’ll receive one new workout video. You’ll complete it in 5 minutes
You’ll do the one movement daily for 7 days so you feel complete mastery
No need to make notes; you can download your free Guidebook showing each of the moves and the easy to follow steps that we’ll cover, right here:
Live Workshop Support on Facebook:
Feel confident you have the support you need. After you do the movement video with me (which takes no longer than 5 minutes) I go live, to answer all of your questions, give you modifications and help you along your way. This is one-on-one fitness training for FREE.
You’ll learn the simple science behind working out smart instead of hard, you’ll learn modifications for shoulder pain, knee pain or back pain and most of all you’ll know you have to opportunity to ask me, Alicia Jones, your own personal trainer, any questions you may have.
If you’re not familiar with me, you can check out my background here:
Or, here are the video highlights:
Set yourself up for the ultimate success: The ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer’ video starts with a quick tutorial that you do with me
Isometric hold: After you learn the movement we hold it (known as an isometric contraction). This gives you the time to focus on form while you also tone and strengthen your muscles.
Then we move: Then once you’ve mastered great form and learned what to do, we move.
You do the exercise for one week (7 days) so you can master each movement.
You master form while you get the results you’re after.
Download your free ‘Create Your Personal Trainer’ exercise workbook and follow along with the exercises each week.
For this series, you’ll need
Your couch
Your shoulders (which come attached ;))
Cushion or toilet paper roll
The door frame
Come prepared and download your guidebook here. Remember, it also sets you up for notifications so you know when the ‘lives’ begin and you’ll receive a recap plus movement video if you can’t make the training.
BEGINNING May 3rd 5pm EST/2pm PST
The ‘Create Your Own Personal Trainer’ series:
Can’t make the live training time? When you get your guidebook you’ll also receive a recap and the video of the week so you won’t miss anything: Sign up here: