Let’s get honest, the first thing to get scratched off the to-do list is usually exercise. And it’s easy to do, because it’s usually the last item on the list. Don’t you agree?
Every new morning marks the day that you’re determined to work out, but your plan tends to get derailed, and exercise gets knocked off your list.
It’s not even just about being busy. For many the shear amount of jobs you’ve got in a day makes the thought of adding another item on that to-do list down right overwhelming. Another “chore” You’ve got to get done, even when you know you’ll feel great afterwards.
There has to be easier options, and that option has to fit into your hectic life.
So, how about those 10 minute workouts? Do they work?
The great news is 10 minute workouts can absolutely be effective, but there are 2 key points you’ve got to follow so you know you’re not wasting your time, and to ensure you’re getting the results you want.
If you’re thinking “oh gosh, she’s going to make me push myself so hard I can barely keep up.” Well, you’re in luck, because I’m not going to do that.
What if I told you, you could get all the strength benefits, the faster fat burning metabolism and the extra added energy that a 10 minute workout can give you, without getting hot and sweaty and without needing to shower and change before you continue your day?
Well, you’re in luck, because I’m not going to talk to you about sweaty, high intensity cardio, or fast paced movements. Instead you’re going to learn the 2 key points you’ve got to follow to maximize your results with your 10 minute weight training workouts.
Just to clarify, when I say “weight training” I don’t mean you’ll bulk up. I don’t mean you’ll body build either.
Weight training simply means you’ll be lifting weights to feel strong, toned, firm and healthy.
ok, so let’s go into the 2 tips to maximize your results with 10 minute workouts:
Length Doesn’t Matter: Quality Over Quantity
This means the quality of your workout is more important than the quantity of time you spend working out.
people think they have to exercise for longer, but it’s actually the quality of repetitions you do, and the amount of sets you complete.
You don’t need to spend hours working out.
Instead focus on the quality of your workout.
I go through this in detail in my new program that’s coming out very soon, but for now, the important point to remember is it’s about the repetitions, the sets and not the length of time you’re actually working out.
A Few Pounds Makes a Big Difference
When I go for my morning run, I often pass by power walkers who clutch 2 pound weights in either hand,
or they’ve strapped on ankle weights, or wrist weights. They have every good intention to maximize their strength, and tone their arms or legs, all in one quick workout session.
The thing is, if you’re lifting 2 pound weights you’ll have to lift it for hours in order to get results.
If the weight is so light, you can continue until the end of your workout, it’s not giving you results. You’re wasting your time.
Instead, choose a weight that is just at the point that you want to put it down. Those few pounds will make a big difference.
That’s a really good sign that it’s creating a change in your muscles, and that’s what’ll get the fat burn and lean muscle tone in your body.
So, just to recap:
- Length doesn’t matter, it’s all about the reps
- A few Extra pounds makes a big difference
So, it’s time to put these 2 tips into practice. I created a FREE 10 minute workout that uses these 2 tips to maximize your strength and tone your body.
To do less and get more results, click here to download your workout.