Attention all fabulous ladies over 50 who want to have the strength and energy to rearrange their furniture without having to ask for their husbands’ help (home decor should never have to wait for help)!
And who still haven’t achieved those sculpted and toned Michelle Obama tank top arms.
And who haven’t achieved those sculpted arms mostly because it means you’d have to follow a strength training (or weight training) workout plan,
but you think it’s boring, or you hate it, or it’s just the first thing to get scratched off your list.
Well, what if I told you I had some fun strategies to make your strength training workouts much more exciting, so you can fall in love with weight training and get that feeling of confidence as you walk down the street, displaying your firm arms and toned tummy in any stylish tank top.
For these 3 tips I’m also going to confess that I have to use them regularly because I don’t love weight training as much as I love cardio.
When it comes to weights, what I love is how strong and toned I feel afterwards.
For example, when my two year old niece comes over, I’m the fun aunt who has the energy and strength to lift her in the air and to run around with her.
While it feels like a workout, I love that I can keep up with a 2 year old and create a fun loving relationship with her that no one else has.
And if it weren’t for weight lifting, I wouldn’t be doing that.
So, here are the 3 Secret Strategies I use to feel excited to lift weights. I Hope They’ll Help You Too:
Follow Someone Else’s WorkoutS (yes the S is Emphasized):
Stop flipping around the net searching for one off workouts. Instead look for a workout program that lasts longer in length. Look for a 4 week, or 12 week workout program instead.
The problem with daily searches for your one and only workout is, it uses so much brain power, and after a long day, it’ll feel like another chore (or job) on your to-do list.
If you’re still working, of if you’ve got busy days, or if the last thing you want to do is figure out how to lift weights, use a set pre-made program that lasts longer than just a one and done exercise plan.
The point is, make sure it’s a long lasting workout plan that includes multiple days worth of fitness. This takes out all of the brain power and guesswork that may derail you, and ensures you’ll get your weight training session in.
Have A Supportive Group That Relies on You to Get Active and Stay Active:
Because I know how powerful group motivation and accountability is, I created a FREE facebook group (Get Back to Fit Over Fifty)
I also have an even closer group in my program Over 50 Fit and Fabulous that has that next level of motivation and accountability.
With this group there’s weekly accountability meetings where we see each other on video chat, so there’s a huge element of group support and accountability.
The ladies in these groups stay motivated because they cheer each other on, and help each other stay on track.
Also, the ladies were all so honest about their struggles, it created a unified group of women who were genuinely going through this sometimes vulnerable process together..It created a strong sense of motivation because of this unified connection.
My point is, groups, whether online or in person, keep you on track and help you get your workout in because they motivate you, support you and hold you accountable to push on.
Make sure it’s a group that interacts, and the group leader connects with you regularly.
Otherwise you lose that sense of connection and eventually fall off track.
Future Pace/Imagine the Outcome You’ll Achieve:
Weight training exercises actually mimic daily movements like sitting up and getting out of the bathtub.
So in order to get through your weight training program, imagine what the outcome will be when you’re in your 80’s, 90’s 100’s and beyond.
This is called Future Pacing.
When you imagine a future outcome and feel so inspired and motivated by the thought, you get excited and motivated to push on.
For example, when I do dips (dips are a back of the arm exercise that tones the arms, but they also mimic getting up from a chair, getting up from the ground)
I imagine how easy it’ll be to pull myself up from that chair (even at 100 years young)
Or my favourite, I imagine how easy it’ll be to pull myself out of the bathtub!
I think, “No bathtub will ever stop me from getting up” TAKE THAT BATHTUB.
Squats, when I do squats, I’m imagining how easy it’ll always be to get up from sitting, or how easy it is to tackle a flight of stairs. TAKE THAT STAIRS
When you imagine the outcome your future self will have while doing the workout moves, it’s empowering.
Whether it’s bubble bath arms or stair climbing squats, imagine the end result you’ll achieve and what that means for you as age with independence, and your best quality of life. Doesn’t it feels fabulous?
So, you may still need a bit of motivation to get started with your weight training routine.
Well, there’s one more quick secret I have for you.
Some weight training workouts can actually be enjoyable, and feel good while you get results.
So to get you excited to lift weights I want to share my favourite feel good exercises that burn more belly fat while doing less You can download this workout here:
I’ll see you next time!