Let’s get honest, the first thing to get scratched off the to-do list is usually exercise. And it’s easy to do, because it’s usually the last item on the list. Don’t you agree? Every new morning marks the day that you’re determined to work out, but your plan tends to get derailed, and exercise gets… Read More.
Walking Workout With Weights: Fitness for Women After 50
Today we’re doing a walking workout with weights. Get ready because you’re about to get the heart pumping while you tone and strengthen your muscles. The movements I’ve chosen are extra special because many of them are known as contralateral movement exercises. These movements ask the right and left side of your brain (and body)… Read More.
TRX Core: Toning With Just 3 Moves (Advanced)
My absolute favorite piece of fitness equipment is the TRX. Especially for your core. The core consists of not only the outter layer of your abs (the rectus femoris and obliques along your sides) but also the internal abs that suck in your stomach and stabilize your back (the transverse abdominis and internal obliques). What… Read More.